Welcome to MLS

Mbanda Language Services has utilized expert human translators and interpreters. We work for some of the largest and most well-known organizations in West New York, from corporations to legal, Hospitals, technology, non-profits, education, and governmental institutions. That’s why many in the know consider us a go-to provider.

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We believe in better.

Better support. Better care. Better communication. 
But what does it mean to be better? At MLS, we see it as intuitive solutions, higher quality, and an optimized customer experience. That’s why we provide organizations with a better way to access language support.

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76 Block st
Buffalo, NY 14211, US

About us

Mbanda Language Services provides the opportunity for organizations of any size to engage seamlessly with the limited-English speaking community. Centralize language support, improve access, and reduce costs, all while fitting into your existing workflows.

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